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The End of an Era and A New Chapter in an Enduring Friendship


Updated: Jan 21, 2020

It was a small cattle show by modern Dexter standards at the 13th annual Nebraska State Fair Dexter Show in Grand Island but the quality was as always top-shelf. Most significantly this year marked the end of a Dexter cattle showing era. Timberview Dexters and Rick and Macheal Seydel of Coon Rapids Iowa made it their grand finale show. Since 2004 Timberview has proudly exhibited and shown their Dexter cattle, bringing home many champion banners and most significantly promoting the outstanding quality of the Dexter breed.

Timberview Dexters along with Silver Maple Dexters, having also shown Dexters since 2004, and High Pines Dexters and Jim and Peggy Woehl of Hot Springs South Dakota showing since 2007, make for 42 years of combined Dexter showmanship. Our families and herds have celebrated and extolled the virtues of Dexter cattle across the United States from coast to coast and border to border.

The fellowship, friendship, and competition, we have shared over the years has been worth every dollar spent, every drop of sweat, and every drive of many hours to set’em up and show ‘em.

Showing cattle is many things but at its core it is about sharing the love of cattle and your breed with people of like minds. You meet as strangers in a fairground livestock office on a late-night check-in and help load out 3 days later as friends for life.

High Pines Jim & Peggy Woehl, Timberview Macheal & Rick Seydel, Silver Maple Jeff & Melinda Chambers

As the toasts went up after the final show of Timberview Dexters with another Grand Champion Banner hanging from their forest green backdrop:

“To the end of an era in Dexter showing.”

“To Dexter Cattle, the ADCA, the Nebraska State Fair, and to good friends.”


Silver Maple Dexters and Silver Creek Dexters

Jeff, Melinda, and Erin Claire Chambers

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